Our Lawn Care Blog

Our blog has the latest on all things lawn care! From maintenance tips to identification guides, we’ve got it all.

The 7 Most Common Trees in Texas

Texas, known for its sprawling landscapes and diverse ecosystems, is home to an array of magnificent trees that add beauty and character to the state. From towering hardwoods to sturdy evergreens, the trees of Texas play a vital role in the state's ecology and beauty.

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House with green lawn
Three Common Oak Trees Throughout the State of Texas

Did you know Texas is famous for its Oak trees? With 50 different species of oak trees in the Lone Star state, you are sure to find one either on your own property or a landscape near you. These large, statuesque trees stand tall and proud, with larger-than-life qualities just like our home state. Oak trees are important for wildlife because they provide shelter and acorns for food. In addition, these majestic plants can help decrease your energy bills, protect against erosion, provide a buffer against wind and add value to your home.

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How To Tell If You Have Lawn Grubs

Texas lawns have a lot to contend with, from fire ants to drought. But, unfortunately, there’s one especially elusive pest. They lurk beneath the surface of the grass, and you may not realize you have a pest problem until there’s lots of damage. This pest is none other than the grub. We’ll show you how to identify signs of grub damage and why these annoying critters destroy our lawns.

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Woman and dog playing in living room
How To Get Rid Of Fleas And Ticks In Your Yard

Your backyard should be a place to relax, spend time with family, and take a break from the grind of daily life. Unfortunately, fleas and ticks may be attracted to your yard as well. If you have an active flea or tick infestation, it can put the health and safety of your family and pets at risk. Following these tips for flea and tick prevention will help you keep these annoying bugs out of your yard.

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House with healthy green lawn
Why Ryegrass Is The Best Grass For North Texas Lawns

Here in northern Texas, we usually enjoy milder winters compared to most of the US. While we may not get the snow and ice as often, we do have to look at dull brown grass during the cold months. Or do we? What if there was a way to have a green lawn all year round? Actually, there is! At Lawn Lab, we offer ryegrass lawn seeding because it offers many advantages that other grass varieties can’t. See for yourself!

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