Looking For a Lawn Care Expert in Sachse?
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LawnLab has a community-first approach to deliver you convenient and top-notch service that you deserve.

Lawn Care in Sachse, TX

Lawns aren’t just for showing off to the neighbors. Your lawn is your piece of nature and it only makes sense to give it natural care. At LawnLab, we believe in natural lawn care with a customized approach to the needs of your piece of the great outdoors.

Our seasonally-directed lawn care program in Plano, Sachse, and the surrounding cities includes:

  • Pre- and post-emergent treatments before spring to get ahead of crabgrass and broadleaf.
  • Pre-emergent weed treatments in the fall prepare your yard for winter.
  • Four applications of lawn fertilizer spread throughout the year.
  • Insect and disease monitoring with each application to stay ahead of potential problems.

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From regular routine lawn care to more seasonal and one-off treatments, LawnLab has a number of local lawn care services tailored specifically for the Sachse landscape.

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Main Office

2809 Capital St., Ste 300
M-F: 8:00am - 5:00pm
SAT: Closed
SUN: Closed
LawnLab Service Area Map

Weed Control in Sachse, TX

Out of all the lawn treatments, weed control is the one that is most tempting to handle yourself. There is something satisfying about pulling up invasive, unpleasant weeds. However, pulling weeds can cause more harm to your lawn’s ecosystem. 

Rather than risking damage to the root systems of your turf, try targeted weed control from LawnLab that will:

  • Proactively prevent weed invasion with seasonal treatments.
  • Kill weeds at the root with specially formulated RoundUp.
  • Target the weeds you want to control without harming the rest of your lawn.

We can take on weeds so that you don’t have to, and your lawn will be happier and healthier for it! Call LawnLab for a weed control strategy that lasts.

Lawn Aeration in Sasche, TX

Compaction is an invisible enemy of a healthy lawn. It often goes unnoticed until water starts pooling after it rains or yellow patches have overtaken the yard and resisted other treatments. Aeration is the prescription for compacted soil. Traditionally, aeration involves pulling cores of soil out of your lawn with a machine, creating a mess that can cause additional problems. That’s why LawnLab uses the liquid aeration method, a less-invasive solution with excellent results.

Our liquid aeration in Sasche service includes:

  • Enzymes that soften the soil on a chemical level without tearing into grass roots.
  • Nutrients that enrich your grass and feed helpful microbes in the soil.
  • A gentle formula that penetrates deep into the soil while going easy on your grass.

Lawn aeration encourages grass roots to grow deeper and loosens the soil so that it can soak up all the water and nourishment a healthy, resilient lawn requires. If you need a neater, quieter aeration service in Sachse that still delivers incredible results, call LawnLab today for a free estimate!

Qualified Local Technicians

We accomplish all of this in six-week intervals that give your grass time to soak up the benefits of each treatment. This way, natural lawn care is done in accordance with the natural patterns of the seasons for optimum effectiveness. Consider our first-time application special to kick start natural lawn care that works with nature, not against it.

5 Star Review

Jay was professional and we are excited to get the yard back in shape since we just moved in!

Heather Earl
5 Star Review

LawnLab is professional and friendly. They do good work and are dependable.

Skip Parker
5 Star Review

Chris was very nice and I watched him…very thorough.!!

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